The best part of Thanksgiving dinner is the leftovers!
Angie dipping into the pot of Hot Turkey Sandwiches, a tradition of the day after Thanksgiving after a long morning of shopping for bargains.

Angie getting caught getting her hot turkey sandwich, she's waited for two years to be able to do this at her house. She had turkey a couple of years ago, but no turkey left over to make the sandwiches. This year she made sure she bought a BIG turkey so she could have the sandwiches, and she is really enjoying them.

I had time to just go out and watch the kids play in the back yard for awhile. The basketball hoop was a big hit, even though it was a little chilly, definately not short weather this year in the south!
Riley wanted to play in the sand box, but it was bit too cool to do that, so she was happy to just sit on top and pose for Nana, notice her fancy shoes she has on, the all new fashion for Sand Box Play!
She was giving Brenden a ride around the yard so they could go faster. She loves to drive that jeep.