We had a very busy weekend when Mommy got back to Michigan. So many parties and celebrations! Ben's BD was on Thurs., Bill's, Ben's Dad, birthday was on Friday, and our Big Boy, Brenden, turned one on Saturday. The party was held at the park so the kids could play on the playground. All of them had a good time.
Riley swang on the swing with her brother, who wanted the big kid swings too! He's not a baby anymore!
Even the Big Kids had fun too. Uncle Joe showing August and Gabby the way to swing the rocker!
They all had fun playing the Diego version of Pin the Tail on the Donkey, Diego needed his patch put on his vest. They were all winners!
And of course no birthday is complete without the cake! Brenden did get a little messy with his own cake, but Angie was hoping he would make a real mess!
The celebrations continue! After Brenden's birthday on Sat. we went to the court house on Mon. for Jackson's adoption. Yes, he is finally legally a family member! Brock and his little brother were all smiles.
After the proceedings at the court house we were all treated to lunch by the adoption agency. We went to Wendy's and had lunch, then they had a cake made for the occasion. It was very nice to sit and enjoy the time with all the families together.
Jackson and Mom and Dad got several gifts given to them so he was enjoying his birthday party too!
We are all so proud to be part of Jackson's life, and he has added to ours too! Love you, Buddy!