Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving Con't

The best part of Thanksgiving dinner is the leftovers!
Angie dipping into the pot of Hot Turkey Sandwiches, a tradition of the day after Thanksgiving after a long morning of shopping for bargains.

Angie getting caught getting her hot turkey sandwich, she's waited for two years to be able to do this at her house. She had turkey a couple of years ago, but no turkey left over to make the sandwiches. This year she made sure she bought a BIG turkey so she could have the sandwiches, and she is really enjoying them.

I had time to just go out and watch the kids play in the back yard for awhile. The basketball hoop was a big hit, even though it was a little chilly, definately not short weather this year in the south!

Riley wanted to play in the sand box, but it was bit too cool to do that, so she was happy to just sit on top and pose for Nana, notice her fancy shoes she has on, the all new fashion for Sand Box Play!
She was giving Brenden a ride around the yard so they could go faster. She loves to drive that jeep.

Thanksgiving in Tenn.

Thank you Angie and Ben for a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, and weekend. And welcome home to Ben, so glad you were home in time to enjoy the turkey dinner with your family.

Brenden greeting us as we got to their house very early on Thurs. morning!

The kids got busy doing a puzzle with Aunt Meme on the living room floor.

Ben sharing some of the pictures that he brought back from his longgggg tour in Iraq.

Angie contemplating the process for the turkey dinner she is about to prepare. Which was absolutely wonderful. The turkey was picture perfect! And all the fixin's were great, if anyone left the table hungry it was not the fault of the cook!Brenden waiting to do clean-up duty, with his apron ready to go!

After clean up, the next step is the TV watching (or video), and the kids are learning that well.
Towards evening, Riley decided it was time to dance. So she got her fancy party dress on and was dancing the daddy.

She even has the dipping down, (she watches Dances with the Stars), and she was teaching Daddy how to do this just right!
Now Brenden needed a turn to dance too, so he and daddy got a dance in too.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Jackson all dressed up to go to dinner at Applebee's, such a little man!
Tried to get the group shot in, but it was too close of quarters to get everyone, if you look closely you can see Jackson at the head of the long table in the middle of the pictures.

Jackson our "Rock Star" playing the guitar from Grandma and Grandpa Ford. He played it just like he knew what to do.

Now Grandpa Ford couldn't let Jackson beat him, so he had to play a song for us too!

He was excited about the Diego Book from us, he got several books, but that Diego just can't be beat.
This was Jackson's personal size cake he got from Grandma Ford, she makes the best cakes!

As you can see, he really enjoyed eating it too!

And then when we left Applebee's to go home this is what we had to deal with, our first "real snow"

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Dinner at Jeff and Sonya's

Last night we went to Jeff and Sonya's for dinner. We had a great time seeing the girls and watching them play with the ferrets (not my favorite type of pet!). The girls love them and hold them alot. Here is Amy and August looking for the pet that they want next (see the dog on the computer).
August and her ferret getting up close and personal!
And Miss Gabby, toothless at the moment, that awkward loosing the teeth age. But she is a sweetheart and growing much too fast. She had to measure herself to Nana first thing and she's up to my shoulders now!

August and her smile, she loves the camera lately and she's turing into a beautiful young lady.
And then we got up Sunday morning to snow coming down in big beautiful flakes! It started to stick to the cars and some things, but it all melted away as the day went on. It puts me in the Christmas Shopping mode when it snows! Guess we will have to wait another few days to have that feeling come back!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Trip to Ann Arbor

Some of the Native American displays that we saw at the muesum in Ann Arbor. Oops I just realized I kept saying Lansing in the other pictures. We were only as far as Ann Arbor not Lansing.

I had to take one of the wolf for my son, Jeff. He loves wolves.
All of the creatures on display were so good you could almost see them breathe!

Another friend that took dieting to the brink! These were fascinating to look at. And think, wow, I'm glad they were on Earth before me and left before I got here!

Trip to Ann Arbor

I think our friend carried his diet too far!
This is one of the displays at the Hands on Museum in Ann Arbor the third graders got to visit today. It was quite a display of what the world was like 10,000 years ago!

Another wonderful display at the museum, they were so life-like.

Thanks to Janel, our wonderful bus driver, who got us there and back home safely. With her son looking at the display of elephants from 10,000 years ago.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Night
Jackson and Jen were at the house to go trick-or-treating, but Jackson decided it would be more fun to hand out the candy to all the other kids. So he helped Aunt Amy and her friends that came over to help hand out the candy. He was a wicked looking dragon.
A couple of the goblins that visited us tonight.

Our resident dragon, AKA Jackson.

Jackson, hangin' with Aunt Amy on Halloween.

Amy and her friends, Holly, Brenda and Jamie who came over to help hand out the candy to the trick-or-treaters. We didn't have as many this year, there was a lot of activities for the kids to do in town this year, so we were still handing candy out at 8:00, usually we are out of candy by 7:00. But we still had a lot of kids coming through the neighborhood.

Orchestra Concert

We finally got to hear the orchestra that Savannah plays in, and August is now a proud member of the strings too. It was wonderful to hear them. And they were amazing for only playing for few short months to be able to play that well. Nice job everyone.

They all got to wear their costumes for the concert. And the band instructor was in several different costumes according to the song that was played, there was a quick constume change. Very cute.
August is on front and center with her viola, she was so excited and I think she did a great job. Can't wait to hear their Christmas concert.

Sorry the pictures are such poor quality. But the lighting in the auditorium and my camera did not get along!

Visiting Nana and Papa

On the most recent trip that Angie and the kids made to Michigan the kids had to have a "car " to get around in. So......
All three of the little ones needed their own "car" so we needed to get three clothes baskets for them to drive! They were having a ball in them. Brenden had to keep up with Sissy and Cousin Jackson.

Riley wanted me to take a picture of her back (I don't know why!), but she hasn't wanted many pictures taken lately so we captured her beautiful back!
Like mother, like daughter! Angie always was happy when we turned her upside down! Sorry Angie and I guess her daughter is the same way. Riley and Mommy having some fun, while Brenden is watching.

Brenden loving on Papa, he was Papa's boy while they were here. Where ever Papa went you could be sure to find Brenden too.

Nana and Brenden having a snuggle time. I am trying to get better at self portraits, guess they are a little better. Love to snuggle those babies.