Some New (old) Pictures to look at!
People have wondered why we didn't have any new pictures on the page for a long time. Well I wasn't sure how to do it. My daughter came home for Christmas and she showed me how to add some new pictures. So I went back and pulled some of the older ones that I had and am sharing those with everyone just so they will have something new to look at!! Hope you enjoy them.
These are some of the snow people that I made, Don got a scroll saw for Fathers Day and I have been using it, a lot! I found out I love to cut things out and paint and do all sorts of things the shovels and basket of "snow cookies" are made from sculpey clay and I gave several for gifts this year. I think I found a new niche for myself!
1 comment:
I love the new (old) pictures to look at. Its great to remember "when" when I am going through our blogs. Keep up the good work.
We love you and miss you.
Love -
Angie and the kids
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