Friday, March 21, 2008

Welcome Spring?!

This robin looks confused and cold, notice the snow on his backside. The snow is quite deep and still falling.
This is Good Friday, 2008 from our front porch. What a start to Spring and to the Easter weekend. So much for outside sunrise services or hunting Easter eggs outside!

I knew I should have put the van in the garage! Oh well, I don't need to get out right now, so we're good. And Don thought he was done with the snow blower this year! We could end up with about 6 inches by tomorrow before this is over. Hopefully it will be the last one of the year!

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter. Enjoy your families, there's nothing like them in the world.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Happy Easter!!!

Sorry to hear about the cold weather and snow. Tennessee is sunny and warm. What a difference 8 hours and 500 miles can be. We love you and miss you. Can't wait to see you in a couple of weeks.

Love ya,
Angie and the kids