Finally the day arrived for the Anniversary Party for Ben and Angie, and all went fantastic. The day offered pleasant weather and everyone made it to Michigan with no problems.
Jess and Jen helping Angie into her dress before the service.
Riley and Brenden getting ready too!
Janna and Jen waiting to go into the church.
I didn't get to take pictures in the church. But hopefully some will be given to me to use. So you will be able to see all of the guys and girls together.
At the reception, getting ready to say prayer before the meal.
Dustin giving a toast, as Best Man.
Jess giving her toast, as Matron of Honor, and she had everyone tearing up with her comments of Angie being there and she was there for Angie while their husbands were deployed to Iraq.
The cake, very elegant with the Willowtree cake topper, and it was very delicious!
Ben helping Angie cut the cake for their first taste!
Feeding each other the cake, nice and neat!!
Then the battle began. Not sure who got the worst end of the deal,
Thank you mom and dad for all you help and support. With out all you help I dont know if our "little" party would have happened the way it did.
You are the GREATEST parents anyone could every ask for. We love you.
Your are most welcome and we had a lot of fun too! You and Ben are great kids (adults) and we love all of you so much.
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