This is our great garage sale find! AJ was always trying to sit up and he was not happy in the bouncer type seat for very long, so we went garage salin'! So glad we did. He loves this seat and he can stand up and turn it too. He loves the steering wheel, watch out NASCAR!

Lots of cousins to keep him busy too, here's Jackson and AJ

August and Gabby were here for a visit too.

Here is our Man Brock! The oldest and the youngest grandkids. Brock and AJ make a good team!

He loves to listen to Brock talk to him, I think Brocks voice has changed just enough to sound manly!

Brock will be visiting his dad for the summer for awhile so hopefully we will get to see him a few more times before he heads back to Ohio.
Love the pictures. I can't wait to come up and visit too. I miss everyone sooo much it's crazy.
AJ is so cute in his new seat. Looks like he will be on the go before we are ready. Nothing is going to hold that kid back.
We need to get that picture of Brock and A.J and the one of Brock and Riley and put them together, lol!!! It's crazy how much A.J looks like Riley!!
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