Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sonya's Open House

This Sat. we went to an open house for our daughter-in-law, Sonya. She graduated from nursing school. We are so proud of her.

Sonya and Kim in the photo at right.

Their cake.

Kim's sister held the open house at her house, and she had a pinata for the kids, one for the younger kids and one for the little older kids. They had a great time trying to break the pinata!

Poor August, her head was too small for the blindfold that they had!

And Gabby, all grown up herself.
I did not get to take a lot of pictures, but we did get a few to post.

Congratulations Sonya.

AJ'S Bath Time

This is the first video I have put on here, so hope it comes out OK.

"Arts Attack" Picture Board

Here are some shots of the picture board I did for the school Arts Attack Night at school. The art teacher has taken pictures of the kids all year during art class and then at the end of the year, I try to do the picture board with the theme of the year worked in. This year it was Go Green! So some of the kids pics are showing the recycling of different items. It is always fun to work on this board at the end of the year. And the kids are excited to see themselves in the pics.

This year I had a full sized board to work on, it is about 5 ft. tall and 3 panels, so we needed lots of pics.

Hope I will be able to do one next year too. This is about the 8th year that I have done a board like this for the school.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Fun at the "Golf Course"

While the kids were here, we decided to go to Stone Mountain in Tecumseh and try our hand at miniature golf! Looks like we are trying to decide what to do!!!

Brenden and Daddy decided to show us all how to do it!

Then it was Mommy and Riley's turn!

This was a really nice putt-putt course, we had never been here before and we all had a good time. The kids loved the waterfalls.

And they wanted to get a closer look, they were watching the water while we all finished up on this hole.

We had a good time, even though it was really windy and I seemed to find all of the water traps that they have over there! Ben was my retriever when I put it into the water...again!

Visit to Michigan

Visit to Michigan

Riley holding AJ, he's growing so big for her to hold as easy as she used to!

Brenden and Riley talking to AJ

Brenden and Aunt Amy

Brenden wanted his picture taken with everyone, even Riley as she was still sleeping.

Angie cheesin' for the camera! Love ya, Ange!!!!